Brushing Off the Cobwebs


Johnson Associates



Primary Service

Strip out

FDS were appointed as PC to undertake the strip out and enabling works to 2 adjoining mixed-use demises. The PD scheme element involved the full strip out of 40k square feet of commercial space. The project was complicated by there being 5 live retail tenants underneath, some of whom had retrofit various service runs through the office demise up to the roof with no record drawings. These had to be validated and reported prior to any service strip out.

The next phase involved the strip out and making safe of a derelict adjoined property. All existing detritus was cleaned from the building, and then various working surfaces and compromised structures made safe and propped to allow for the safe execution of the strip out. FDS then left site with new scaffold walkways installed which means future users and the design team will not need to enter into any compromised areas.

Ensuring the works could be carried out safely required FDS to contract a structural engineer to assess the compromised structures and establish designs to create safe working platforms and remove the compromised structures.